So we all know that you should brush your teeth for 2 minutes twice per day, morning and night. Now this is not a waste of time but if you are time poor and like to multi-task have you ever wondered what else you could be doing whilst you are caring for your pearly whites?
Try these simple exercises and see how many you can fit into your 2 minutes!

10 Calf Raises
10 Glute kick backs
10 Side leg raises
10 Narrow squats
10 Wide squats
10 Forward stepping lunges (5 each leg)
10 Sideways lunges (5 each leg)
10 Backwards stepping lunges (5 each leg)
10 Shoulder rolls
10 Arm rotations (5 each arm)*
*warning: this one does require some dexterity with the toothbrush!
Now, this multi-tasking rule can apply to many times throughout the day. Whilst doing the washing up, waiting for the kettle to boil, in an ad break...Once you start looking you will find these moments everywhere! Using these simple, easy to implement 'active moments' you can easily have added 10 minutes of exercise into your day. You will be surprised how much difference these few exercises can make!